Paying great attention to Health, Safety and Environment and the continuous search for the best management  models, led Sagest srl, year after year, to handle these issues more and more accurately. Our staff is motivated to improve their efforts to offer more and more quality products and services. Working in compliance with the best practices, during the entire business process from design to installation, we have been able to obtain several certifications, thus completing a more competitive and global business profile.

Today, for an enterprise, process management, risk prevention and control and environmental sustainability are increasingly important aspects of every kind of business in order to be more and more qualified and stand out on the global market.

Our certifications: a journey made of commitment and corporate co-ordination


Our company is certified for services provided with staff installing, maintaining or repairing fixed refrigerating and air conditioning systems, as well as heat pumps containing certain fluorinated greenhouse gases.


Progettazione, installazione e manutenzione di impianti tecnologici (HVAC, idrici, termici, frigoriferi), impianti di videosorveglianza e antintrusione, impianti elettro-strumentali e pneumatici, impianti di protezione catodica inclusi i rilievi e collaudi dello stato elettrico on-shore e off-shore. Esecuzione di trivellazioni. Realizzazione di reti per la distribuzione e il trasporto di fluidi infiammabili e non. Applicazione di verniciature industriali. Produzione e installazione di condotte aerauliche e coibentazione termo-acustiche. Lavori edili e rimozione e smaltimento amianto.


Progettazione, installazione e manutenzione di impianti tecnologici (HVAC, idrici, termici, frigoriferi), impianti di videosorveglianza e antintrusione, impianti elettro-strumentali e pneumatici, impianti di protezione catodica inclusi i rilievi e collaudi dello stato elettrico on-shore e off-shore. Esecuzione di trivellazioni. Realizzazione di reti per la distribuzione e il trasporto di fluidi infiammabili e non. Applicazione di verniciature industriali. Produzione e installazione di condotte aerauliche e coibentazione termo-acustiche. Lavori edili e rimozione e smaltimento amianto.


Progettazione, installazione e manutenzione di impianti tecnologici (HVAC, idrici, termici, frigoriferi), impianti di videosorveglianza e antintrusione, impianti elettro-strumentali e pneumatici, impianti di protezione catodica inclusi i rilievi e collaudi dello stato elettrico on-shore e off-shore. Esecuzione di trivellazioni. Realizzazione di reti per la distribuzione e il trasporto di fluidi infiammabili e non. Applicazione di verniciature industriali. Produzione e installazione di condotte aerauliche e coibentazione termo-acustiche. Lavori edili e rimozione e smaltimento amianto.

UNI ISO EN 9001:2015

Sa.Gest has implemented a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001: 2008 in the following fields of application: design, installation and maintenance of technological systems (ducts, HVAC and heating systems). Manufacturing and installation of air conditioning and thermal insulation channels. Design, installation and maintenance of video surveillance and intrusion detection systems. Design and installation of electrical systems and electrical and pneumatic instrumentation. Design and installation of cathodic protection systems. Drilling.

ISO 14001:2015

Sa.Gest has implemented a management system in accordance with ISO 14001:2004 in the following fields of application: design, installation and maintenance of technological systems (ducts, HVAC and heating systems). Manufacturing and installation of air conditioning and thermal insulation channels. Design, installation and maintenance of video surveillance and intrusion detection systems. Design and installation of electrical systems and electrical and pneumatic instrumentation. Design and installation, surveys and testing of the electric state of cathodic protection systems.

ISO 45001:2018

Sa.Gest has implemented a management system in accordance with OHSAS 18001:2007 in the following fields of application: design, installation and maintenance of technological systems (ducts, HVAC and heating systems). Manufacturing and installation of air conditioning and thermal insulation channels. Design, installation and maintenance of video surveillance and intrusion detection systems. Design and installation of electrical systems and electrical and pneumatic instrumentation. Design and installation, surveys and testing of the electric state of cathodic protection systems.

NADCA Partner

SA.GEST s.r.l. as an associate member of NADCA (national air duct cleaners association), is a company engaged in the manufacturing and/or distribution of air duct cleaning equipment, accessories, franchising, HVAC filters, air purifiers, cleaning products and related services.

Public Works Certifications. Soa Consult

In possession of the public works qualification certificate (pursuant to Presidential Decree 207/2010). Qualification for design and construction services up to III bis classification.

APCE Partner

Apce è is a non-profit, cultural-scientific association founded in 1981 to coordinate all the actions required to protect infrastructures that may be subject to corrosion. Apce was recognised by the Electricity and Gas Authority as a qualified technical body for the definition of guidelines for the cathodic protection of metal pipes used for distribution (resolution 574/2013/r/gas) and transport of natural gas (resolution 602/2013/r/gas), and the flow lines connecting natural gas storage facilities (regulation arg/gas 204/10).


Sa.Gest S.R.L is an Ordinary Member of the Italian Association of Aeraulic Systems Hygienists.
Do you need our advice?

Our technical staff is available for all your requests in the Oil & Gas, Civil and Industrial or Renewable Energy sectors.

100% of our systems are certified.

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